- Chini-Ka-Rauza, Agra
- Roman Catholic Cemetery, Agra
- Jaswant Singh-Ki-Chhatri, Rajwara, Agra
- Tomb of Sadiq Khan, Gelana
- Tomb of Salabat Khan, Gelana, Agra
- Itibari Khan's Mosque, Agra
- Statute of Akbar's Horse Road, Agra
- Barah Khamba together Tajganj, Agra
- Chattries on the Yamuna bank Agra
Chauburji of the temporary Agra
- Rauza Diwanji Begum and Mosque, Agra
- Kans Gate, Agra
- Jhun Jhun Katora , Agra
- Jami Masjid, Agra
- Gateway at Pul Changa Modi, Agra
- Khan-i-Alam Bagh Agra
- Dhakri-ka-Mahal, Agra
- Jagner fort including the Gwal Baba temple
Humayun Masjid, Kachhpura, Agra
- Bara Khamba, Kagarol
Tomb of Sheikh Ibrahim, Rasulpur
Small Mosque situated in Sikandara, Agra
Well and flight of steps in the Charbagh, Agra
- Viaduct across the road leading to Bharatpur, District Agra
- Burhia Ka Tal, Agra
- Govind Deo Temple, Brindaban, District Mathura
- Temple of Jugal Kishore, Brindavan, District Mathura
- Temple of Madan Mohan, Brindavan, District Mathura
Temple of Radha Ballabh, Brindavan, District Mathura
- Sankissa, District Farrukhabad
- Chhattrie marking the site of the Empress Jodh Bai's Tomb,
- Firoz Khan's Tomb, Agra
Jaswant Singh-Ki-Chhatri, Rajwara, Agra |
Chhatri datable to A.D. 1677-1680 is situated on the right bank of Yamuna in village Rajwara in the vicinity of Balkeshwar temple. The
Chhatri contains the remains of Raj Jaswant Singh of Jodhpur who served under Aurangzeb as one of the generals. The Chhatri, made of sand stone is located on the platform with pillars carrying the flat roof. The space between the pillars is filled in with open lattice work. The eastern wall has relief carvings.
Tomb of Sadiq Khan, Gelana |
The tomb of Sadiq Khan is situated at the village Gelana. Sadiq Khan was the nephew (brother's son) and son-in-law of Mirza Ghiyath Beg, entitled Itimad-ud-Daulah. He served under Jahangir and Shah Jahan. Jahangir had appointed him Mir-Bakshi in A.D.1622 and governor of Punjab in A.D.1623. On accession, Shah Jahan confirmed him in his
mansab of 4000
zat (personal) and 4000
sawar (horsemen) with flag and drums. Sadiq Khan died on 3rd September 1633 A.D. His tomb was built by his son Salabat Khan, Mir Bakishi 'Raushan-Zamir' between A.D.1633 and 1635.
Tomb of Salabat Khan, Gelana, Agra |
Popularly known as Chausath Khamba, the tomb of Salabat Khan is situated at village Gelana on the north side of the Agra-Delhi National highway. Salabat Khan, son of Sadiq Khan was Shah Jahan's Mir Bakshi (Lord Treasurer), who held the
mansab of 4000 zat and 200 sawar and title of Salabat Khan. On 25th July, 1644, Rao Amar Singh Rathor, insulted by some comment of the Mir-Bakhshi, stabbed him to death in the Diwan-I-Am at Agra Fort, in the presence of the emperor Shah Jahan. Amar Singh was also killed near the gate of Agra Fort which is now called Amar Singh Gate. Salabat Khan's Tomb seems to have been built between A.D. 1644-1650. The tomb is constructed on a large raised square platform. The building has 25 square internal compartments with an archway on each side. It does not have any surmounting dome and the roof looks flat.
Itibari Khan's Mosque, Agra |
This small three-arched mosque surmounted by a dome, measures 13 x 10 feet. A Persian inscription carved in relief on three panels above the arches recorded that Itibari Khan, who had a noble status by the grace of King Jahangir, built this mosque for Khwajah Kafur on the road (from Agra to Delhi) in Hijri 1015/1605 A.D. Itibar Khan Khawajasara was an important noble and Nazir (Superintendent) of Jahangir's Harem. He was extremely loyal, true to the title "Itibar', and Jahangir reposed total faith in him. Itibari Khan was Governor of Agra in 1622 A.D. with charge of the defence of the fort and the treasury. In A.D. 1623 when the rebel prince Shah Jahan tried to take Agra, Itibar Khan successfully defended it against him. He was given the new title of 'Mumtaz Khan' and Mansab of 6000 Zat and 500 Sawar. He died in the same year. It seems that Khwajah Kafur was a Sufi saint and Itibar Khan built this mosque for him and also a few living rooms and a well.
Statute of Akbar's Horse on the Agra-Sikandara Road, Agra |
The horse effigy stands within the enclosure of Itibari Khan's Mosque on Agra- Sikandara road. It is said that emperor Akbar rode his favorite horse to this spot from Delhi for a distance of 195 km. The horse got exhausted broke down and died on the spot and was buried here. Akbar installed this statue on its grave. It is a life size statue carved out of single block of red sandstone. Period- between A.D. 1580-1605. The statue was originally found near a railway line just behind the present boundary and it was transferred to its present place in A.D. 1922.
Barah Khamba together with adjoining area comprised in part
survey Plot No 150 of Shown in the site plan, ASTajganj, Agra |
Barah Khamba located near Taj Mahal, is very close to the Fatehpuri Masjid. The structure built partly of red sand stone and partly of brick and lime, is octagonal on plan. A dome supported by eight red sand stone pillars surmounts its open pavilion. Two graves, one of a male and other a female, are located inside. However, local tradition says that the graves belong to an elephant rider and his son, who lived during Shah Jahan's time. The exact identification of those interned could not be ascertained due to lack of any inscription. The structure on stylistic ground may be assigned to the reign of Jahangir / Shah Jahan (A. D. 1605 to 1658)
Chattries on the Yamuna bank to the
north of Ram Bagh, Agra
The extant remains of the Chhatris together with an extensive tower known as Battis Khamba are situated on the side of an old Mughal garden known as Buland Bagh on the bank of river Yamuna at a short distance to the north of Ram Bagh. The Chhatries along with garden were said to have been erected by Buland Khan (A.D. 1606-23), eunuch of the court of Emperor Jahangir. The most remarkable edifice here is a five storeyed tower supported by thirty-two pillars, hence locally called Battis Khamba. It is profusely embellished shed with bas-reliefs of floral and geometrical designs.
Chauburji of the temporary Burial place of the
emperor Babur, together with the Chabutra on which
it stands, Agra |
The chauburji is situated across the river Yamuna in the neighbourhood of the tomb of Itimad-ud-Daula. Though this structure had been the temporary burial place of Babur, whose mortal remains afterwards were transferred to Kabul for final burial. Carlleyle also mentions that this place was used by the Britishers as residence. However, many architectural features such as its square plan, raised platform with water pools, shapes of arches, attached towers at the corners and decorative motifs on the extant red sandstone veneering indicate that it is a prototype of Itimad-ud-Daula's Tomb.
Rauza Diwanji Begum and Mosque, Agra |
The Rauza and mosque is located at Billochpur, a locality of mauzas Basai and Tajganj. The Rauza (tomb) belongs to Diwanji Begum, daughter of Khwaja Ghias-ud-Din Qaziwani. She was the wife of Asif Khan and mother of Mumtaz Mahal. The Rauza (tomb) is in ruins and the tomb superstructure has fallen down. While the cenotaph chamber is intact, the grave itself is missing. Traces of the foundation wall indicate that it was built upon a square raised platform. The building is flanked by four corner towers. The date of construction of this tomb is mentioned in a Persian inscription as A.D.1677.
The mosque stands on a highly elevated podium. Rectangular in plan, it is built of red sandstone. Arches are thrown across the sanctuary. The mosque is crowned by three domes, the middle one being larger. The mosque represents Shah Jahani style of architecture. The date of its construction is recorded in a Persian inscription as A.H. 1088 (A.D. 1677).
Chhattrie marking the site of the Empress Jodh Bai's Tomb, Agra |
The Chhattri is situated close to Khawaja-k-Sarai on Malpura Fatehpur Sikri road. Jodh Bai (different from Jodha Bai, the popular queen of Akbar) was the Rajput queen of Jahangir and mother of Shah Jahan. Her name was Balmati and Jagat Gusaini was her title. She died in A.D. 1619. Shah Jahan built a tomb of her was built at the centre of a walled garden with a tower at each corner and a gateway in the middle of each arm. The entire mausoleum was blown up in A.D. 1832 for building the barracks. A Chhattri was erected on the spot where the tomb of Jodh Bai once existed. The Chhattri stands on a square terraced platform supported by four pillars. At the centre of the platform a modern label tomb of Jodhbai, wife of emperor Jahangir and mother of emperor Shah Jahan who died in AH 1028 (AD 1618). The pavilion was erected by Sir Bijay Chand Mehtab, Maharaj of Burdwan in A.D. 1918.
Firoz Khan's tomb is situated at the village of Tal Firoz Khan, 5 km from Agra, and about 0.5 km west of the Gwalior road. Firoz Khan was a Khwajasara of the court of Shah Jahan and was promoted to the post of Diwan-i-Kul. He died in A.D. 1637. The tomb, a two-storeyed edifice, is built of red and grey sandstone with exquisite blending. The tomb is octagonal in plan and the cenotaph is surrounded by hemispherical dome. The tomb displays highly sophisticated design with ornamental brackets, dome, and gateways, beautiful carvings, and a large pond in front, which blend harmoniously into a unit of loveliness.
Gateway at Pul Changa Modi, Agra
The gateway is situated east of the Jaipur House at the south extremity of Lohamandi and west of the Agra Cirty. The gateway is built in brick and plaster with wings and embattled parapets. On its west wing is located a domed pavilion which was used as a watch tower. This structure forms part of the city wall constructed during Mohammad Shah's reign (A.D.1721-30). The gateway bears an inscription in Urdu "Pol Changa Modi".
The Jami Masjid is situated to the west of the Minari Bazar, adjoining the Agra Fort Railway station. It was constructed by Jahanara, the eldest daughter of Shah Jahan in A.D. 1644-48 at a cost of 5 lakh rupees. Built of red sand stone, the masjid consists of a large forecourt and a tank, situated on a highly elevated basement. To each quoin of the mosque, an octagonal pavilion surmounted by a cupola is attached. It has three entrances with flights of steps. The quibla and which are shaped like a reversed ballon, decorated with bands of white marble them ?. Inscription-A Persian inscription on the face of the entrance states that the mosque was executed under Begum at a cost of five lakh rupees in five years.
This tomb of Maulana Hasan, a renowned saint of Agra, who lived during the reigns of Sikandar Lodi and Salim Shah Sur, is located in the compound of the civil court, Agra. A native of Persia, the Maulana came to Agra during Sikandar Lodi reign and became a disciple of Mir Rafi-ud-din who taught him Islamic Theology. A noted Calligrapher of his time, he died in A.D. 1546 in the reign of Salim Shah Sur. The monument, popularly known as Jhun Jhun Katora, is octagonal on plan, and is constructed of brick and lime with a thick coat of plaster.The chronogram on the monument provides A.H. 956 (A.D. 1546) as date of the death of Maulana Hasan.
The gate is built over Nala Kans near the southern boundary wall of Gokulpura in the western part of Agra City. It is believed that it was constructed by a Nagar Brahmin, named Gokal who came here from Gujarat during the reign of Akbar. The gate has an arch with a cupola on either side of it and a narrow gallery over the roof. On each quoin of the main façade is eave board of red sand stone which girder round the cupola. The parapet of the southern façade of the gateway is crowned by arcaded merinos. The main arch of the gate departs from the Mughal four centred arch and seems identical with the Arhai-Din-Ka-Jhopra at Ajmer. The architectural features indicate a strong influence from Gujarat. Period A.D. 1600-1622.
The tomb locally known as Dhakri Ka Mahal, datable to A.D. 1555-1605 is located at Mauza Gopalpura on the Agra-Bharatpur road in the western suburb of Agra. She was probably one of the wives of Emperor Akbar. The tomb is square in plan and is built of fine quality red sandstone. The cenotaph is missing from the tomb. The roof of the ground floor has a beautiful kiosk built with pillars, while a miniature kiosk of similar design adorns each corner. A Persian Inscription on the monument reads "It is the sepulcher of Bibi Ishwardi".
Jagner fort including the Gwal Baba templewith the stairway
lending thereto and the baoli outside
and below
the main gate on the hill of Jagner |
The Jagner Fort houses the Gwal Baba temple and Baoli, is situated on a hill at a distance of 50 km south-west of Agra and west of Kheragarh. The Fort was built with local stone by Jagmal Rao, a chieftain in A.D. 1571. The fort comprises of the Diwan-i-Am complex, residential complex, Rani palace etc.. The Gwal Baba temple represented by just modest room is situated on the northeastern side of the fort. The baoli and the temple were added in A.D. 1750-1763. The fort has a Sanskrit inscription dated Samvat 1627 (A.D. 1571).
Humayun Masjid, Kachhpura, Agra |
The Humayun Masjid situated in the village of Kachhpura, the north-west of Mehtab Bagh, was constructed by Humayun in A.D. 1530. The mosque is rectangular on plan, having a central nave with a wing on each side consisting of four square chambers. The mosque is crowned by three low flat domes. The central compartment comprising the prayer chamber is entered by a higher archway than the side wings. The arches are four – centered. The façade has traces of stucco decoration and patterns in blue enamel. There are two inscriptions one on the Quibla over the main Mihrab which states the construction of the Mosque by Humayun in A.H. 937 and the second in Nastaliq characters on the left wall of the prayer chamber.
The monument known as Bara Khambha is situated at a short distance to the north of the Kagarol at a distance of 25 km south-west from Agra. It is the mausoleum of Sheikh Amber who was a great saint during Akbar's period. The mausoleum stands on a lofty double platform, over which twelve pillars carry the domical roof, hence the name Bara Khamba. The central chamber has three other cenotaphs, which may contain relics of the Sheikh's relatives.
Tomb of Sheikh Ibrahim, Rasulpur |
The Tomb of Sheikh Ibrahim, datable to A.D. 1585-1591 is situated at Rasulpur 5 km north off Sikri. Shaikh Ibrahim (nephew of Sheikh Salim Chishti) built the Tomb during his life time and died in A.D. 1591. The Tomb stands within an enclosure which has a bastion at each corner there is also a mosque attached to the tomb within the enclosure with entrance from the southern gateway. The Mosque is inscribed with Kalima in Naskh Characters.
Small Mosque situated in the church Missionary
society's compound, Sikandara, Agra |
This small mosque is located at a short distance on the left side the Agra-Mathura road before Mariam's Tomb, in the church Missionary society compound Sikandara. It is locally known as Bhure-Khan-ki-Masjid which may indicate that it could have been built by one some are Khan but the Identity of Bhure Khan is uncertain. It is an old mosque built partially of bricks and lime mortar and partially red sand stone and rectangular in plan, it stands on an elevated platform and is surmounted by a low and squat dome. At the corner each façade small octagonal tower is attached.
Well and flight of steps in the Charbagh, Agra |
The old well and a flight of steps are situated on the left bank of Yamuna to the west of Mehtab Bagh. The well is located along an old wall running along the river. The well is very large inside and elaborately constructed. Bricks of large size have been used in its construction. Immediately north of the well is the flight of steps made of red sand stone cut of the single block .It is placed diagonally and embed in the ground with masonry pillars to support it .The slab has eleven steps hence it is also known as "Gyarah Sirhi".
Viaduct across the road leading to Bharatpur, District Agra |
The Viaduct is located on the east side of the so-called artificial lake once functioning north of the Fatehpur Sikri ridge. It had thirteen vaulted outlets and hence known as
terah muhani or
terah mohari. However, due to subsequent repairs, one vault was filled in and only twelve openings are visible now. The viaduct constructed during Mughal period is built of lakhauri brick set in lime mortar and plastered with a thick coat of lime.
The village Burhia-ka-Tal is situated on the Agra-Tundla road at a distance of 23 km south-east of Agra. The village proper has yielded Painted Grey Ware, Northern Black Polished Ware, besides Buddhist antiquities and remains. The two storeyed pavilion is allocated at the centre of a masonry tank. It was built in A.D. 1592 by Itimad Khan, an officer under emperor Akbar and also served under Islam Shah Sur. The building is octagonal on plan. Another building at this site is the tomb of Itimad Khan located on the northeast of the tank. It is a single storeyed building but identical with that in the centre of the tank.
Govind Deo Temple, Brindaban, District Mathura |

Govind Deo temple, one of the most impressive and magnificent temple of Brindaban town is of a aberrant type which not only differs from other temples in its general layout but also shows strong influence of contemporary Mughal architectural style in laying out of the vaulted ceiling over its central hall and in providing balconies and bracketed arches on its all ground. Another significant feature of the temple is the complete absence of statuary art on its external and internal decorative scheme which might be due to Islamic usage prohibiting any display of imagery. The temple originally consisted of three interconnected shrines, a close mandapa with pyramidical roof and spacious assembly hall approached from three sides through double storied impressive porticos. Of the three shrines the central one was completely destroyed during the reign of Aurangzeb. The flanking shrine built on the pancharatha plan display ornamented mouldings at the base and the top of their wall. The closed mandap in front of the central shrine is tri-ratha on plan and has stepped sikhara. Its doorway is elaborately carved with the figural and floral designs depicting standing door keepers at the lower portion of its jambs. The central hall is built in the shape latin cross on its ground plan and has an imposing vaulted ceiling.
A mutilated inscription on one of its wall records the fact that it was built in 1590 A.D. by Raja Man Singh of Amber.
Temple of Jugal Kishore, Brindavan, District Mathura |
The temple Jugal Kishore stands at the lower end of the Brindaban town near Keshighat. It was built in 1627 A.D. during the reign of Jahangir, its founder being Non-Karan (probably a Chauhan Rajput). It is a non-living temple and is noteworthy for its simple layout and restrained ornamentation. On plan, the temple consists of a
garbhagriha, an
antarala and a closed
mandapa, all resting on a common raised plinth approached by a flight of steps on the eastern side. The main shrine is octagonal externally and square internally. It shows ornamental mouldings at the bottom and plaster decorations bifurcating one offset of the temple from the other. Its façade is relieved by five horizontal bands of diminishing size just below the
griva level which is further surmounted by a heavy
amlaka. The dedicatory idol is now missing.
Temple of Madan Mohan, Brindavan, District Mathura |
This temple is located on an ancient mound of Gupta period near the Kalia Mardhan Ghat of Brindaban town. It is said to have been built by Ramdas Kapur, Punjabi merchant. It is a living temple built in two distinctive phases. The structure of the 1st phase of construction comprised a main shrine with a stunted
shikhara, a closed
mandapa with stepped pyramidal roof and an oblong
mandapa with pyramidal roof, all laid on east-west orientation. . These structures are devoid of any ornamentation. In the second phase of construction, an addition shrine with curvilinear
shikhara was built on right flank of the existing temple and converted as a main shrine. A detached portico known as Kacheri also belong to the same period. The main shrine facing east is octagonal externally and square internally. It stands on an ornamental plinth. Exterior façade of the temple is profusely carved with round cum diamond shaped lotus design and is divisible into five stories as demarcated by presence of four horizontal bands of diminishing size just below the
griva which is again surmounted by a massive
amlaka and inverted
ghanta. It enshrines standing image of Madan Mohan along with his consorts. Architecturally, it seems contemporary to the Jugal Kishore temple. On door lintel of the main shrine two stone inscriptions in Nagari scripts are noticed.
Temple of Radha Ballabh, Brindavan, District Mathura |
The temple of Radh Ballabh is located very close to the Jugal Ghat of old Brindaban town. It was built by Shri Sundar Das in 1626 A.D.. It is a handsome building comprising a main shrine, a closed
mandapa, a vaulted hall and an entrance porch on its original plan. The main shrine of the temple was demolished by Aurangzeb and only plinth remains intact upon which a room has been built and is now used as kitchen. It enshrines an image of Harbansaji Maharaja. The interior of the
mandapa is affine vaulted hall with double tier of opening on the north and south sides. The front façade of the triple storied entrance porch is distinguished by having prominent
chhajja stones resting on decorated brackets of the western Indian style.
Sankissa, District Farrukhabad |
Spreading over a vast area of more than 6 km circumference, the archaeological site at Sankisa has a long history and is associated with Hindu and Buddhist traditions. It is identified with Sankasya and referred to as the royal city and capital of Kusadhvaja, the brother of kind Janaka of great epic Ramayana. It is one of the eight place associated with Buddha. The Pali Buddhist texts mentions that Sankassa is the place, where Buddha accompanied with Brahma and Indra descended from the
trayatrimsa heaven after preaching dhamma to his mother Mayadevi. The site is enclosed within double earthern rampart contains several archaeological mounds of varied heights. Mounds are also found outside the ramparts. An elephant capital of Mauryan pillar of Emperor Asoka is well preserved at the site. The archaeological excavations conducted at the site by ASI has further authenticated the antiquity of the site which has revealed a long continuous history of the sites from Painted Grey Ware culture (circa 9th century B.C.-6th century B.C), Northern Black Polished Ware culture (6th Cent B.C. to 3rd cent B.C.), Sunga period (c. 2nd Century B.C.- c.1st Century B.C.) and Kushan period (c 1st century B.C.- C 3rd Century A.D.).
Khan-i-Alam Bagh together with the new Tank Near the Taj Mahal |

The monument known as Khan-i-Alam Bagh is situated on the right bank of the Yamuna between the Taj Mahal and the tomb of Sayyid Jalal Bukhari adjoining the western enclosure wall of the Taj. The garden was laid out by Khan-i-Alam, whose real name was Mirza Barkhurdar. He was a courtier during the reign of Jahangir, holding a Mansab of 5000 and the title of Khan-i-Alam. Shah Jahan promoted him to a mansab of 6000 and made him governor of Bihar. In A.D. 1631, Shah Jahan pensioned him of the his old age with annuity of hundred thousand rupees. The garden, laid out with provision of drawing water from the river front and feeding it to a huge tank over the southern gateway of the Bagh. Water was later supplied to operate the fountains located in the Taj garden complex. Water drawn from the river front was filled in a tank at the northern sides, at the ground level. This water was uplifted and again filled in a tank at an intermediary level adjoining the southern wall. At the final stage water from this tank was again lifted to the tank provided on the top of southern gateway. The remains of a raised ground with paved floor and flag stones, is believed to contain the remains of Khan-i-Alam.